How Famous Writers Overcame Writers' Block

Almost every writer has, at some time, found themselves staring at a blank page trying to figure out the perfect sentence or ideal plot. In most cases the best way around it is to find what specifically inspires you and triggers your creativity.

But, not everybody is inspired by the same thing or action, so here's a collection of stories about how famous writers triggered the right words. I hope it gives you some ideas, or at the very least makes you smile.

Dr Suess

would shut himself into a secret cupboard he had that was full of hats. He would then put them on, one by one, until the right words came to him.

Ernest Hemmingway & Truman Capote

would both sharpen pencils to keep the words flowing.

Agatha Christie

would get her ideas while soaking in a warm bath eating apples.

Victor Hugo,

while behind on his deadline for 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', lessened distractions by shutting himself in his room with nothing more than paper, a pen and a shawl.

DH Lawerence

inspired his creativity by climbing up, and sitting in, a mulberry tree while naked.

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