Come join our online,

interactive writing group

It's a relaxed writing community with writing exercises, discussions, information and usually lots of laughing and smiles.

If so, make a note of:

Monday & Wednesday
4.30 - 7pm Western Australian Time

(which is 10.30am UK time,

or simply GMT +8).

The Writing with Elizabeth Twitch channel is on Monday & Wednesday 7.30pm (GMT +10)

The wonders of technology make so many things possible, and joining in our online writing community is just one of the them. No matter where you live you can be involved, and it's all FREE!

To watch a previously aired stream on YouTube click
HERE, or to join a live stream simply log in to channel and go to my channel, WritingWithElizabeth.

If you’re not familiar with Twitch it’s basically like a normal video chat on Skype or FaceTime. The main difference being I’m the only one on the screen talking, however you get to ask questions and make comments by typing them, they then appear on the screen so I can respond to them. So I guess it’s all a bit like a cross between video chatting and texting really.
It’s all FREE and a great way to chat about writing, to get some of your questions answered, and to chat to other people writing about their lives. 

The only requirement is that you have an account with Twitch tv, which is simply a case of:

  1. Going to
  2. Answering the standard questions (this will include coming up with a unique Username, so you may what to have some ideas in mind before starting)
  3. Clicking on the verification email they send you, so you can be involved in the chat. 

Then to join in the chat you just need to login to the Writing With Elizabeth channel in time for my LIVE.

You can even go to the channel before hand and click on FOLLOW and you'll be notified when I'm live. 

So go on, come and join me in an hour or two.

Ask Me A Question To Be Answered On Twitch

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